Let's see, the only thing I can compare a soap nut to is a date. It's wrinkly, sticky, and the same size of a date - and even kind of smells like one too. The scent is not very strong, it's a really mild fruity smell.
You can use soap nuts for a variety of things: laundry soap, shampoo, body soap, pesticide, glass cleaner, the list goes on. The informative flyer it came with even said it can cure athlete's foot - so I'm soaking my feet in soap nut water every day!
The second I received my soap nuts, I started making my own liquid soap. All you need is 1 part soap nuts, 4 parts water - you can boil the soap nuts or let them soak over night. Then you just run the liquid through cheese cloth and viola, you got liquid soap!
I used my liquid soap as a shampoo. It was a little difficult to tell if I was using enough since the liquid soap is well, liquidy. So I poured some on my head and rubbed it in to my scalp and through my hair. It almost felt sticky when I was rubbing it into my hair and I was a little disappointed since I was expecting it to make my hair soft. When I got out of the shower though, my hair and skin were really silky. I don't think my hair ever felt so smooth, even with the really expensive shampoo and conditioners I use. It made my hair more bouncy too, like it had a lot of volume.
I have used the soap nuts in the cotton sack for my laundry about two times so far, but I still haven't figured that one out yet. I think I need to put a little more soap nuts in the cotton sack because my fiance's clothes are really dirty since he works construction. But either way, the soap nuts seem to be doing their job!
These soap nuts are really incredible. They don't leave a strong scent, they're natural, they don't make my skin itchy (like some soaps do), and everything they touch gets clean and silky. I am thinking about buying these boxes in bulk (which are available through Amazon too!). I'm so happy to have this alternative to soap since I don't like the idea of chemicals (even if they're supposedly harmless) on or near my skin.
Thanks Maggie!!
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Maggies Soap Nuts 100% Natural Laundry Soap (80 Loads)Product Description: Maggie's Soap Nuts are the only laundry soap that grows on trees! Truly effective, 100% natural and safe for your most sensitive skin. Soap Nuts are the dried fruit of the Chinese Soapberry tree. They contain saponin, a natural cleaner used for thousands of years to clean clothes, just like the plants used by Native Americans for washing.Simply put a few Soap Nuts into the included cotton sack and drop it in your laundry. Your clothes come out clean, vibrant, and soft. Replace your laboratory detergents and softeners with the soap made from Nature by Nature. Your clothes, your skin, your family, and your planet will thank you.Ingredients: dried fruit of the Chinese Soapberry tree.Also contains: one cotton wash sack, one pair Maggie's Soap Nuts Seed earrings made by Balinese artisans, and Love.Package contains full instructions and everything you need to wash up to 80 full loads of laundry.
Buy cheap Maggies Soap Nuts 100% Natural Laundry Soap (80 Loads) now